Wednesday 24 December 2008

Tuhan Maha Kaya, Maha Mengetahui dan Maha Pemberi Petunjuk.

He has a way of teaching us a good lesson.

I made a mistake by mentioning m and my parents in the same sentence and now am experiencing His gentle reminder that He associates with no one.

Made plans to go out at 9:30pm. All went well throughout the day giving me an impression that it would be a good night as well.

at 7:30pm the phone rang. On the other side was a barely audible voice of our colleague in Dubai saying something something something something. By barely audible, I mean that it's almost impossible to make out the conversation had it been in a crowded or noisy place. Since everyone went home for the day already, I managed to extract the gist of what she was saying:

Guest coming to KUL, leaving in a few hours, wants to book a room at XXXX from XX Dec to XX Dec. Guests are honeymooners.

Ok. Irritation number one.

Called the property to proceed with reservations but "Sorry Sir, reservations is already closed, can you call tomorrow?" Mr, Miss, I wouldn't wake up an elephant if I can help it. So made some other phone calls to other people who assisted, to a certain extent but still, "Come tomorrow".

Irritation number two.

Anyways, this particular issue was a question some days ago that I answered. And they had to wait until the very very very very laaaaaast minute to decide.

Takpelah. Kalau aku ada vocabulary mencarut yang panjang berjela, I wud've. But tonight, I feel happier not to revise those words.

Happy eve of public holiday people.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ini yg dinamakan "NASIB dan USAHA".

Untung sabut timbul... untung batu tenggelam... TAPI,

kalau kita letak sabut dgn batu tu, blum tentu dia akan tenggelam.

Got it???