Wednesday 5 December 2007

A twist of fate, a tale of late..

Salam People,

As it turned out, the simple visit I had earlier became an interim job offer. Well, they didn't actually offer me before I asked to join but they accepted me into the forming team nonetheless. I've been going to work in Shah Alam daily since November something (last week of November, malas nak tengok kalendar :P) with the exception of Thursday and Friday last week, due to a fever - revisited.

I guess He works in many mysterious ways, getting us what we want albeit in a different form. I feel that this is a good opportunity for me to prove some sick old man wrong (hey, not him, him!). That particular old man told my dad that I wasn't fit for the Qatar job because I "do not have enough experience".

Yeah, right, after giving towering praises and saying oh so sweet words to me and not to forget, cursing and belittling his other staff. The funny thing is, he's now depending on the staff that he cursed and cursed again in front of everybody, calling the guy "pengkhianat" and what nots. He's got no other option but to ask that guy to carry the company flag into Doha.

Fact: There shall not be a Doha venture without my father's help and my father's not doing anything to help them, after what he said and did to me.

Jadi, biarkanlah orang tua tu dengan angan-angan kosongnya dan mulut yang layak dicabai, digiling dan dilenyek dengan tayar kereta.

I'm currently breathing well in this company. The boss may be Chinese and his partner American but it feels like a fairer place to work in than with that old man.

BTW, this old man's much younger than my dad. He just looks older, for reasons I shall not say.


Ash said...

Hey... sorry things didn't work out with you in Dubai. But hey, you'll be back in KL... maybe we can hang out sometimes... He he he. Take care!

NJ said...

subhanallah!! i'm happy for you.. may Allah bless you always ^__^