Saturday 22 December 2007

One sore pointer..

I asked myself this question: How do you know if you've spent a lot of time behind some sort of a keyboard? My answer: You'd not only be able to type not looking at it AND substitute an ailing finger with another.

I had a small cut on my left pointer while being an unofficial butcher along with some 20 other people yesterday. It just couldn't stop dripping even after I dried it up causing me to go look for a first aid kit. Good thing the organisers had a box ready and I patched it up with the ol' skool yellow solution, cotton bud and a new skool 3M tape. It worked, or so I thought. When I removed the wrapping and started using the finger again, the bleeding resumed. Leceh la gini..

I like to use the pointer for typing. It's the most used finger, reaching anywhere from the control, shift, caps lock, tab, escape buttons to Y, G, B. QWERTY keyboard, people. With the pointer healing, I had to make use of the other less used fingers but I realised that it wasn't as difficult that I thought it'd be. I do still occasionally use the pointer which would send some pain signals to my head but that's about all.

All things are created in a team. Lose one and you'll feel the lost almost immediately.

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