Monday, 16 March 2009


Streamyx is as good as dead
Even a dead log is better than it
Streamyx is useless, someone said
It belongs down there in the bottomless pit

Streamyx is as lame as a knock-knock joke
Or as potent as KFC's hot and spicy
If Streamyx were person, he/she I'll choke
Strong, firm but tender as it wriggles free

Wasted time is nothing without Streamyx
Like calling a stream with no water in it
But if you've got time to have a kick
Dial-up streamyx's sure to cook you up a fit

We pay good money for a lousy setup
The help-line that'll always tell you of some service disruption
Most of the time down, very seldom being up
Like most news on papers across the nation

May the connection be better tomorrow..

1 comment:

::phoenixnoir:: said...

angry nampak!