Imagine writing on a piece of paper then making 1000 photocopies of it and spreading those 1000 pieces at various drop-off points in the city.
Imagine seeing on each of those 1000 pieces of paper that came about from a photocopy of 1 piece, words inciting hatred, dissent or simple vulgarity.
Imagine having all that done, with the peace and comfort of your chair and writing equipment while the copying and distribution is done by others.
That's basically what we do when we blog.
Some people just don't understand the implications of writing a blog. Thinking that blogs are 'personal spaces' that warrants writing 'personal issues' using 'personal languages' that one feels/deems fit for the content of the blog, some people just write according to their fancy with little or no thought put in to how it might seem to the readers.
I really am generalising here so don't start feeling offended or as if I'm focusing on you 'coz I really don't have time to critic any particular person. I'm just trying to (hopefully) wake some ignorant people on a simple fact.
If you paint your car pink and drive it around town, you have no right to stop people from making comments on your car. If you decide to go to work as a drag, people around you have all their rights to comment on how you look (well, some may like it some may not).
The blog that you make available on the internet is also subject to the same public 'scrutiny'. You may be able to write and pour your heart's contents into it but that also means that you should be able to accept comments from all and sundry who reads it.
Unless of course, you disable comments from your blog then it's purely for reading pleasure.
There's no such thing as "It's my personal space so I write as I damn well please and if you don't like it, go fly kite or make yourself useful." anymore because you allow people to access and read it.
If you're worried that your blog may be read by people whom you don't want to read it or don't want yourself to be known, you'll either have to create an access limitation with user IDs, passwords and what nots or blog anonymously forever and ever.
If you're only a reader and are very private about your life, I recommend that you keep your thoughts in your head. If you're a reader and like to write, I recommend that you keep an open mind about the types of people who have access to your blog and watch your words everytime you write.
If you can't take the crits, don't share your wits.