Sunday, 26 August 2007

Bendera Oh Benderaku!

Setiap kali menjelang Hari Kebangsaan, rumah aku tak lupa untuk kibarkan Jalur Gemilang. Aktiviti mengibar bendera kami bermula sebelum bendera itu diberi nama lagi, hingga waktu ia masyhur dan namanya dibuat lagu. Aku tidak ingat apakah reaksi jiran tetangga ketika di Bangsar dan Damansara namun jiranku disebelah kiri dan kanan rumah sekarang masing-masing mengibarkan Jalur Gemilang itu di pagar rumah mereka.

Pernah satu masa dulu seorang menteri yang tidak punya keprihatinan terhadap sentimen masyarakat mengatakan bahawa golongan yang berbangsa Cina dan India tidak mempunyai semangat patriotik kerana tidak mengibarkan Jalur Gemilang menjelang Hari Kebangsaan. Tuduhan melulu seperti itu telah mendapat reaksi negatif daripada jiranku sebuah keluarga Cina yang berasal (secara kebetulan) dari Kelantan. Kami bertanya kepada Uncle mengapa tidak dikibarkan bendera itu dan dengan nada kecewa dia mencemuh kenyataan yang dikeluarkan oleh menteri tersebut.

Kepada mereka yang mendiami kawasan Ampang Jaya dan Taman TAR, mereka akan tahu bahawa kawasan ini majoriti penduduknya adalah daripada Bangsa Melayu. Kalau peratusan itu tidak sampai 80%, berkemungkinan dalam lingkaran 50 hingga 70% mereka adalah Melayu. Sepanjang aku berada di Malaysia baru-baru ini, aku menyedari bahawa tidak banyak rumah sepanjang Jalan Kolam Ayer Lama mahupun di seluruh taman perumahan aku mengibarkan Jalur Gemilang. Seandainya menteri yang mengata songsang itu datang ke kawasan kediaman aku ini, sudah pasti dia akan berlari keluar sambil menyorok ekornya di celahan kaki.

Aku pelik.. Mengapa kita tidak mengibarkan bendera? Pihak kerajaan yang memerintah negeri, negara dan juga memegang kerusi DUN Ampang telah bersusah payah mengadakan pelbagai program demi menyambut 50 tahun kemerdekaan kita dan telah juga berbelanja jutaan ringgit untuk menarik pelancong luar namun kita sebagai rakyat di negara ini masih gagal untuk menyumbangkan sedikit wang ringgit untuk membeli Jalur Gemilang, tali dan sebatang kayu agar dapat ia dikibarkan di perkarangan rumah. Jalur Gemilang yang murah berharga RM8 dan yang sedikit elok berharga RM12. Mahal sangatkah? Ataupun kita masih bermentaliti subsidi?

*kalau kerajaan nak suruh kita kibar bendera, bagi la bendera free?*

The event that triggered my writing of this blog happened just an hour or two ago. After the kenduri at our house ended and the last guests left, I went on to send my cousins and aunty back. On the way to Batang Kali, I passed by a lot of shops in a Chinese dominated area and saw that almost all shops have their Jalur Gemilangs out.

I felt ashamed because the people who were supposed to be the "native" of this country fails to live up to the spirit of independence while those who were "immigrants" fly "our" flags with pride. Where can I now put my face?

Thursday, 23 August 2007


I am, lost and confused.

Find me, please..

Special Issue - Newsweek April 2, 2007

Any day I'm here could be the day I die

That caption is written on the front page of the blog's title. It's very depressing but true for the men walking in the streets of Baghdad, Iraq and neighbouring countries at war with one foreign nation.

Truer than that would be to capt "Any day I LIVE here could be the day I die"

Some die literally, some face death in faith, some die silently inside while some others put to death part of their lives to conquer a greater reason for living. I have too put to death part of me to live what I forsee as a greater life. Looking back, my anger has died a silent, gradual death (although I do defibrillate it on occasions). I too have put to death certain desires for want of a stable, healthy living.

It is inevitable that as we grow older, we lose the child we bore from young and grow into the society the way we're expected to. Those who live themselves outside the acceptable norm would either be frowned upon or just be seen weird. It is considered maturity.

And so, maturity and growth is defined by the death of some other parts of us

Thursday, 16 August 2007


I didn't know that blogging, though efficient, is not actually the most efficient way to communicate to others, if you're thinking of telling stuff immediately.

I've been back in Malaysia for about 10 days and yet, I've managed to stay low, stealthily weaving my way across towns and back, without some friends even knowing I'm here..

I say men, I'm so sorry. I've been back here since Sunday, 05th August and will most probably be going back to the middle east this coming Sunday, 19th August. I'll call AJ tomorrow morn.


Wednesday, 15 August 2007

A wedding vow..

When I feel you sick,
I wish you well,
I'm not that quick,
But you, I can tell,
Whether it's sunshine,
Or rain or snow,
Your voice tells your mind,
Without saying, I know.

In peace, in calm, in serenity,
Recover quick, I wish you be,
If only I can bring a cure,
I'd bring to you, no pain to endure.

Believe that pain's just a test from above,
For He knows more and He knows love,
Until you recover, in bed you must stay,
And health and wealth, for you I pray.

I'll wait for you forever long,
Eager to sing our favourite song,
And dance the steps we learned together,
And cherish the moments we'll share forever.

For you're part me and I part you,
Tomorrow and ever, from the moment "I do".

Tuesday, 14 August 2007

I Am Now..

Officially one of them EPL Suckers who plays the Fantasy Premier League.. haha..

Sesapa yang main sama, check out Uncle B FC! :D

Oh, Rooney's out for a few months. Kalau tak dengar radio, mana nak tau benda ni. I might be an FPL player but I'm not so much into football, you dig?

Who Am I?

Dear Tuan Azmil Abdullah Tuan Ibrahim:

Here are your Brainbench Personality Assessment Results.
Please review these results carefully and refer to the
interpretation notes at the bottom.


Trait |<--|---|---|---- Range ----|---|---|--->| Trait
Introverted |......X.................................|
Candid |..........................X.............|
Impulsive |..............X.........................| Cautious
Excitable |..........X.............................| Relaxed
Practical |..X.....................................|
Concrete |..............X.........................| Abstract
|<--|---|---|---- Range ----|---|---|--->|

Your Social Boldness: Introverted VS Extraverted
You are quite introverted. Socially, you prefer a more
relaxed, low-key environment, rather than the hustle and
bustle of a wild night in the city. You tend not to talk a
lot, but when you do people listen, because when you say
something it has meaning. You are not seeking the
limelight, usually you prefer to let the attention-mongers
do their thing while you observe. In an unfamiliar setting,
you tend to be cautious and shy while you evaluate the
circumstances. You prefer to avoid conflict, so you do not
put yourself into a threatening situation. Your shyness may
be perceived as unfriendly, but that could not be further
from the truth. People need to be patient with you and take
the time to get to know the complex, private you.

Your Agreeableness: Candid VS Considerate
You are moderately considerate. You are an agreeable
person. This means that you are well liked and people
really enjoy your company. And why wouldn't they? People
can sense that you are taking a genuine interest in them
and this makes them feel special and as a result, they have
high regards for you. With your altruistic personality, you
get a lot of practice at making people feel special. In
fact, you feel great joy when you help others. Another nice
feature you possess is your ability to cooperate. Not
everyone can do this, so it is very important in a meeting
or social situation to have someone like you present in
order to maintain a harmonious situation. This comes from
your tendency to want equality and fairness. In dealing
with others, you prefer not to manipulate people instead
you tend to be open and sincere. This makes you a popular
and well-respected individual.

Your Self-Control: Impulsive VS Cautious
You are moderately impulsive. At times you can be
impulsive, but not to the point where you are jeopardizing
work or relationships. You know when to follow rules, but
you also know when to bend rules that are not set in stone.
If your home or work space gets a little messy, you do not
get upset or feel compelled to tidy up. You do not have to
have perfect order in your life to feel good about yourself
or your environment. You tend to be more on the fun side of
spontaneity, and enjoy being flexible with your plans and
your life. In general, you prefer to make short-term goals
rather than long-term goals.

Your Anxiety Level: Excitable VS Relaxed
You are moderately excitable. In trying situations, you
feel somewhat stressed and frustrated. At times you are
able to overcome these feelings, but other times you feel
overwhelmed. This could run the gamut of just being in a
bad mood to experiencing anxiety, anger, or depression. In
general, you prefer a stress-free existence, so that the
possibility of negative emotions would not be a factor. You
tend to be somewhat self-conscious in social situations,
and are worried that people may judge or criticize you. You
may react emotionally to people or circumstances that you
find threatening, because you want to protect yourself.
Every so often you cave into urges or cravings. Sometimes
you feel a little guilty about it, other times you are just
fine with your fun streak.

Your Openness to Change: Practical VS Imaginative
You are very practical. You want just the facts - keep it
plain and simple. You are practical, pragmatic and well
grounded. You have no time for carelessness and
impracticality. You prefer to keep your emotions to
yourself, rather than exposing your feelings to the world.
Life moves along much better for you when you can maintain
a schedule and have routine in your life. Unexpected
surprises and chaos are a major inconvenience to you. You
tend to be conservative and are somewhat resistant to
change. Others respect your ability to act properly in your
everyday life.

The way you Think/Reason: Concrete VS Abstract
You are moderately concrete in your thinking. Your
intellectual style is related to superior job performance
when working with the public. One reason for this is that
you often prefer dealing with people or things rather than

I'm more literate than 85% of Windows XP 'Examinees'!

Thank you for taking the Brainbench Computer Literacy (Windows XP) assessment.

Congratulations! You passed at the Master's Level with a score of 4.59. You have now earned a Brainbench Master Certification in Computer Literacy (Windows XP), which is valid for 3 years from today's date.

Individual Test Results - Actionable Data Just For You

Test: Computer Literacy (Windows XP)
Date: 12-Aug-2007
Score: 4.59
Weights: 100% Computer Literacy (Windows XP)
Elapsed time: 26 min 41 sec
Computer Literacy (Windows XP)
Score: 4.59
Percentile: Scored higher than 85% of previous examinees

Demonstrates understanding of most advanced concepts within the subject area. Appears capable of mentoring others on the most complex projects.
Strong Areas

* Windows
* Input / Output
* Maintenance & Settings
* Applications
* Storage

Weak Areas

* Internet

I am a 74% Addict!

74%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?

Mingle2 - Dating Site

Sunday, 12 August 2007

In Denial

I guess at the moment, all I can afford to do is to run away.. Not from home but from the things that are bothering me. I've been spending lots of time with Mali and the crew and it's helping me quite a bit but the realisation that I will have to sooner or later go back home is somewhat a killer.

Watched Liverpool's first game for the new season that left me wondering: If EPL dah abis and the new season dah start, why then there's still new season for Heroes and Prison Break? Haiseh..

Mali's watching "How I Met Your Mother" that I downloaded. Seronok dia :)

Good night..

Wednesday, 1 August 2007

A new layout y'all!

OOooookay.. As you can all see, I've updated my blog layout and design, thanks to the available templates on blogger. I've been wanting to choose a more space efficient format because the previous one looked a little cramped - too many things to fit in such a small space. Add to that, there were these two huge borders on the sides of the blog which serves practically nothing much.

But I loved the design and colour of the previous template. I'm back to blue now.. Then again, if you don't see a blue template when you read this, that means I had too much time in my hands and I made a lot of edits since this posting.

I do have time, really.

Yeay to blogspot!