Friday, 28 March 2008

20 days.

Yes people, 22 days to be exact, since my last posting. This proves how dull and boring my life is for now. Nothing much to write that isn't mundane although there has been a few changes in life's journey. For one, I've received an offer letter from this company I consulted. Though the pay's not flattering and the work location quite a distance, the job designation's rather unexpected. Still, being pawned by chess masters isn't really a joy. Don't forget the fact that I will lose 4 hours off my Saturday.

Still keeping it in view.

I've also been approached by my previous employer and welcomed to return to the company with a new task. I was told that I'd be contacted sometime last week but it's almost the end of this and still no calls. This is a more preferable place. It would've been a PERFECT place had it not been for the 6-month contract that they're saying they'll offer. I'm not taking chances on talks. Get me the papers and I'll see what's next.

Now for the biggie, daddy's company is starting to take shape. Without doubt, I'd fall for this offer but as selfish as it sounds, I'm kinda in some dire need for multicoloured paper at the moment. Lots of multicoloured paper.

The best option should there be an offer is to return to my previous company. I have a proven record, I kinda like the environment and the colleagues I'll mingle with and I can expect a better package. Next on the list is to go with daddy but again, paper first, please. If all else fails, to Shah Alam I go! They're very gung-ho about having me over, not sure why. They didn't give me an offer letter, instead they gave me an appointment letter.

How la, how la.. :-S

Thursday, 6 March 2008

It's slow and steady
But I've got to be ready
For the wick that burns
In the world that turns
Sturdy and firm
Like an undying germ
Alone may I stand
But I am a man.

Sunday, 2 March 2008

Whoa! Willow

This was the second theatrical performance from Ethos! that I watched. I was introduced to it by Hazwanee, a long time friend from the late 90s. The first was Dielle The Musical.

My comments? I would rather not say much except that it was a good show put up by university students. I wouldn't - in my university days - be able to organise such a show even if I had the opportunity. However I think some of the casts ought to have additional language (pronounciationpronunciation and grammar) lessons to make the show run better.

Kudos to UiTM!

Saturday, 1 March 2008

The Irony of Loving

I got this from a friend who in turn got it from his friend. His friend has since passed on and I find the words very.. Bahasa Malaysia kata sayu..

Hi! I received this short prose from an old friend, a good man, maybe crazy or stupid or both, but I loved him. I thought I want to share his prose with you, not for its literary value, but maybe can give us a lesson or two, either from his perspective or the other party's. Loving someone is a choice, I guess. My friend chose to love someone, and maybe not just love but truly love, and was prepared to get hurt until the day he died. Please read on if you like or delete as you wish.

The Irony of Loving

When you truly love someone, you are bound to get hurt.

You give your all and your best
But they just aren’t enough.
All the loving and the caring
Making no dent in her heart.

You adore her and put her on a pedestal
Then she’s far beyond your reach.

She’s got her priorities set
Work, family, friends …
In that order
Then you last, if at all
You are in her list.

She says she loves you, but
Her actions speak louder than her words
Like a thunderstorm they break you apart.

But, as crazy as hell as you are
You continue the loving and the caring
For someone whose heart
Belongs somewhere
If not, to someone else.

Searching and seeking
The adventures and the excitements
To fulfill the desires
Of her existence.

Strange world we live in.
The irony of loving.
Love hurts.
Too much love will kill you.

Wake up … love yourself!
Fly away and find
Someone out there
Who deserve your true love.
Else, forever be hurt!

Hmmm ... I wish he lived longer, followed his own advice and not forever be hurt. Goodbye my dear old friend! May you be at peace wherever you are.